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Oportus blog January 2023

This blog began life just over a year ago as The Learn Page and was set up as somewhere for me to share the things I’ve been learning since moving to the beautiful west coast of Ireland in 2020.

The origins of the word “learn” are to do with a path or track.

The pictures below are all of the same path; clearly the journey is going to look and feel very different depending on the weather, time of day, how tired we might be when travelling, and the reason we’re on it.

Walking along a road like this out of choice, in Summer, with a camera in hand, would feel very different to having to walk it late at night, in terrible weather because the car has broken down, or if we were lost. So it is with learning – some lessons are enjoyable, others less so. Both kinds can be very valuable, as long as we can apply them to other situations and not have to keep travelling the same path again and again unnecessarily.

At Oportus, we see that the journey of learning is a lifelong one and a path we’re always meant to be moving forward on. Learning can undeniably happen in the conventional settings like school, university, formal training etc, but the life lessons we learn from the world around us every day are at least as valuable, often more so.

Whatever stage of your path you are on in life right now, it's important to pause and ask questions; how am I feeling on this part of the journey? Am I finding it difficult because I need to change something, or is this simply a phase I need to push through? Do I need to stop being so concerned with the destination that I'm not understanding the journey?

We’ll be sending out this blog at the end of each month – starting at the end of February - to share the lessons as we head into the new month and share new developments within Oportus; your comments and questions are always welcome. The focus is always going to be on learning "inside and outside the box” and we look forward to sharing the journey!

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