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Oportus blog Spring 2024

Welcome to Oportus’ first seasonal blog, which is a shift from the monthly blog I was writing, where I share about learning – the life lessons that are outside the box of the classroom; we have so much to learn from what’s around us, and what better way to start than with the seasons? We’ll be publishing a blog each quarter in line with the seasons and hope you find them interesting and informative.

Winter as usual, was bitterly cold this year, with long and dark nights, seemingly constant rain, and as March went into April, there seemed to be no sign of it letting up. But just as in the classroom of life, it was about understanding the season. What takes place in Winter? What takes place when a seed is placed in the ground? It needs the dark soil to surround it; it needs the rain; it needs that seclusion; it needs that problem, but as it endures and grows (as we do too), in time the purpose for the darkness and the solitude – letting go of the outer shell; the baggage we can hold on to - becomes apparent.

But still, the waiting can feel tiresome, and boring, and frustrating. It seems like just at that point that I feel I’ve had enough (not that I could change the seasons even if I wanted to!) things start to change; the clocks go forward so there’s more daylight in the evenings, the breaks in the rain are a little bit longer and more frequent, and going outside isn’t ALWAYS a matter of layering up with jumpers, coats and hoods.

The seasons have their boundaries, despite the effects of climate change, and still divide the year in mostly the same way they always have; Winter gives way to Spring, Summer and then Autumn, when the harvest comes in. I know personally and professionally, that I have had to learn to let go of the way I want things or when I want things/why I want things, just as a tree has to shed dry leaves in Autumn; I can want the enjoyment of a situation, my Summer, to stay too long. I need to shed those things which aren’t contributing to growth at home or in business (even if they are enjoyable or attractive) when the time comes.

Are boundaries something you see as positive, suggesting protection and order, or something restrictive and limiting?

So now, as we have stepped into Spring, let’s learn to not try to hold on to any season too long and to see the unique value in them all.

I know I have spent more of my life than I would have liked in "getting by" mode, but having healthy boundaries and planning ahead makes all the difference. I’m still on my journey and am sure I will be for the rest of my days;  what about you?

Until next time, let’s keep learning

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