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The Learn Page July 2022

“The seed wants to grow” – these are the words of a friend of mine earlier in the month, when she was giving us cuttings of various plants that she’d brought from her own garden. Beetroot, basil, tomato, chilli, courgette and radish plants are now jostling for space on our windowsill, getting strong enough (we hope!) to brave the Wild Atlantic weather when it’s time to move them outside. We have a small amount of land and are planning to use it to grow – even without any attention, blackberries, wild garlic and flowers grow abundantly every year. We have, though, been a bit timid in starting things off because neither of us are very well-practiced in planting and tending (which seems crazy considering the fact I remember my dad growing enough potatoes, onions, carrots and cabbage on this land to feed a family of six, many years ago!)

That phrase “The seed wants to grow” was an encouragement from someone whose approach has been to give it a go and see what happens when planting seeds or cuttings. Despite a few disasters, she said the worst that can happen is that the seed doesn’t sprout. Nature is designed for reproduction and multiplication, and we aren’t usually fighting with a reluctant seed that’s doesn’t want to produce – the seed was created to grow, and all the elements for that tomato plant, or chilli, or beetroot are mysteriously but intrinsically there.

Here's a picture of some squash seeds we saved with a view to potting them long enough to get them ready for the great outdoors. As you can see, they were left too long and the seeds went mouldy. What can we learn? The seed can't do anything until it's planted!

It strikes me that we are often the same with opportunities we encounter – the seed never gets planted - What if this happens? What if that happens? What if I get it wrong? What if I start and am not able to finish? What if? What if? The worst thing that can happen is that you will have learned something, and it may well be that your opportunity turns out to be the seed that helps you grow.

So, let’s spend July; sunny, warm, nurturing July, planting our seeds rather than fretting about everything that might happen. What are your "what ifs"? Don't let them get in the way of opportunity. Remember, the seed wants to grow - don't let it rot because you're afraid to put it into the soil.

Until next time, let’s keep learning...

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