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The Learn Page October 2022

Well, it seems like Summer has officially left us – we are still getting some amazing sunsets here on the Wild Atlantic Way, but they are much less frequent than they were just a couple of weeks ago. Still, it was an exceptional summer, and this wet and windy weather feels kind of reassuring and normal again.

What did I learn in September? Well, among other things, it’s that I need to be sure I’m not rushing things because I’m afraid of losing the moment – yep, I know last month’s log was all about capturing the moment, but there are instances where I know I’ve been premature in my actions.

And that’s the thing – the waiting. We were delighted to grow what looked like jalapeno peppers from a cutting someone gave us in a pot on the windowsill. Being a person who likes a bit of spice, when we picked and sliced the pepper, it was a bit of a let-down to be honest; no fiery kick, no clearing of the sinuses and no eyes watering. Still, eating a home-grown chilli was something that felt satisfying. There have been several from that plant since, all the same; all a bit “meh” and mild. Then last week, I was looking at the plant and noticed one of the chillies had a reddish glow. Watching it in the days since, we realised it was turning a vibrant scarlet. Could it be that we have just been picking the peppers too early before they are at their piquant peak? We’re going to wait until it goes completely crimson before picking it this time, and will let you know how it goes…

I have been known to give in to panic or impatience many times in my life; I’ve got on and off trains at the wrong stop, spoken too soon and spent money I didn’t really need to – I guess the pepper is a reminder of the value of patience! When did you jump the gun and miss out on the best harvest? Please do comment and let me know I’m not the only one!

Our plants are still thriving despite the reduction in temperature and hours of sunlight, even those we have moved outside. The butternut squash plants continue to brave the wind and rain and we are waiting for our fourth tomato this year to ripen so we can eat it! And for those of you who want a butternut squash update, here they are now, along with a reminder of how they looked at the beginning just a couple of months ago…

And last but not least, one of those less frequent, but still beautiful sunsets, just to remind us to look up; until next time, let's keep learning

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